A Day at Camp

7:30 AM
The bugle blows reveille and campers roll out of their bunks while the PA system starts pumping out music.
Rise & Shine!

8:15 AM
Mornings start right with a hot breakfast buffet. On any given day, campers may find pancakes, waffles, eggs, turkey bacon, or corned beef hash. Fresh fruit, bagels, yogurt, and cereal are always available.

9:00 AM
Time for inspection! Campers make their beds, put stuff away, tidy up the cabin, and get moving.
Bunk Clean-Up!

9:50 AM
The first activity of the day is a camper’s own choice and there are plenty of activities to choose from!
Campers can choose from over 40 activities every Saturday to hone skills and develop new talents. The power of choice allows campers to follow their passion and tailor their schedule for the summer. Electives also allow campers to experience a variety of programs on a week-in, week-out basis should they choose.​

11:00 AM
While Electives promote individual skill development, Group Periods guarantee every camper has a well-rounded summer camp experience. Assigned Group Periods make sure that each camper gets “a little bit of everything” throughout the summer and ensures that campers will be with their group on a regular basis.
Group Period

12:30 PM
Lunch’s main course is served family-style and includes camp favorites such as chicken patties, grilled cheese sandwiches, pizza, wings, chicken tenders with french fries, tacos, and more. A full salad bar is set out every day, with plenty of vegetarian-friendly alternatives to the main course. Selections include tofu, hard-boiled eggs, tuna salad, beans, pastas, baked potatoes, and a selection of fresh soups made from scratch daily.

1:00 PM
After lunch, campers visit the Canteen for ice cream, chips, or candy (three times a week). They can also purchase official Lenox-logo apparel and accessories before returning to their bunks to rest. It’s a great time to write a letter home and kick back for an hour.
Rest Hour

1:45 AM
If campers enjoyed the activity they selected in the morning, they still might want to try something new in the afternoon. Or not!

3:00 PM
Whatever this is, it won’t be the same as the morning Group Period. The leadership makes certain that every child enjoys a little bit of everything. When it’s real hot, the waterfront often stays open all afternoon for swimming, skiing, sailing, kayaking, or trips through the Wibit obstacle course.
Group Period

4:00 PM
As the name suggests, there’s a lot of variety. General swim (popular on hot days), group games, and tournament team practices are often held during Flex. All activity areas are open at Flex and campers have the opportunity to choose a fun recreational activity on a daily basis.
Lenox Flex

5:00 PM
Lenox campers love this new addition to the daily program as a time to unwind, shower, and "Porch It Up." At this time, camp quiets down as afternoon activities conclude and as groups reconnect to prepare for dinner.
Group Recoup

5:50 PM
At the end of the day, the entire camp gathers together around the flagpole for one of Lenox’s longest running traditions. Staff members call out campers who demonstrated sportsmanship or service during the day. These campers form an honor guard who lower the flag and return it to the rafters of the Dining Hall.

6:00 PM
It’s the end of another beautiful day, and the grill masters are working their magic on the flames: ribs, steaks, hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken. Whether campers are watching the sunset from the lakefront dining room windows or enjoying the cool night air with an outdoor picnic, dinner is served with a full salad and pasta bar. Theme nights mix things up with Italian, Chinese, a deli bar, or a BBQ with hamburgers and hot dogs eaten outside.

6:45 PM
If your group didn’t visit the Canteen after lunch, they’d be scheduled to stop by after dinner.

7:00 PM
After dinner, we have a very special Evening Activity. It could be a third group period, an all-boys event, an all-girls event, or a very special all-camp event. Events are carefully planned and may include outside entertainment nights, A Hoe-Down, Sunset Beach Bash, Stalk the Lantern, Hatchet Hunt, Counselor Hunt, Gold Rush, Capture the Flag, Camper Hunt, or Spa Night.
Evening Activity

8:30 PM
Our younger campers head back to the bunks at this time, while Upper Camp prepares for Late Night activities. Late Night is always co-ed and always amazing.
Late Night

9:00 PM
Promptly at 9:00, Taps plays over the PA announcing ‘lights out’ for Lower Camp.
"This is Taps, Good Night Camp Lenox!"